Alpini of North America

Book "Alpini of North America" now available on Amazon Canada


We are proud to announce that in Canada we have 980 members in total, as in New York we have additional 98. Majority of the members come from Hamilton, Toronto, and Montreal.

The Alpini Group of Hamilton was founded in 1966 and has been since active in many community events.

Cost: $40 (English)
Available for purchase from Gino Vatri
"Alpini in Transfer"

Cover & Index
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

English Version Cover
Full Book

Other Alpini Books & Articles:

Past Newspaper Issues - ALPINI IN TRASFERA
1985 to 2024

All content on this site including "Alpini in Trasferta' Intellectual Property of Gino Vatri
Copyright 2013-2023

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